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Writer's picturePastor Gary

Reopening Plans

On Sunday August 23rd, leaders from all three churches met after worship to discuss our reopening plans.

We began worshiping as a combined congregation back in May in response to the COVID-19 virus. We have continued to worship outdoors since, with only one Sunday being cancelled due to poor weather. Still, we knew this was a temporary solution to what we hoped was a temporary problem.

We realize we need to make plans for dealing with this virus as an ongoing issue.

On Thursday September 3rd, representatives from all three churches met together to discuss plans for getting back in doors for worship.

It was decided that as a charge, we would continue outdoors until October 18th. Then on October 18th and 25th, we would come together indoors at the Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Company hall as one body. Then on the 25th, leaders would decide how to proceed with getting back into our sanctuaries, based on the number of people who have gathered indoors for these combined services.

Many ask, why we are going so slowly. We realize that everyone wants to get back into their churches, but the reality is, there are expectations for cleaning and disinfecting that each church would have to perform. These chemicals and systems are expensive and we want to be good stewards of all God has provided. We don't know how many people will be comfortable coming back until a vaccine and better treatments are available. While these are outside our control, we are responsible to plan for safe and healthy environments when we do return inside.

If you are one who has been anticipating a return to sanctuary worship, I encourage you to put October 18th and 25th on your calendar as those are the two Sunday's we will be using to measure attendance for a return to "in church" worship. Based on the number of people in attendance, we will decide on the number of services to offer and the sanctuaries to reopen.



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