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December 8th Worship Program

Writer's picture: Pastor GaryPastor Gary

Welcome to Church!

We are delighted to have you with us today during this Advent season—a time of anticipation, reflection, and preparation as we celebrate the coming of Christ. Whether this is your first visit or you’ve been with us for years, we are excited to share this sacred season together in worship.

Corporate worship is a cornerstone of our discipleship and our identity as members of the Global Methodist Church. We express this identity in our church through three essential practices:

  • Gathering: Our faith is a shared faith so we gather for worship and fellowship in both large and small groups.

  • Growing: Jesus invites his disciples to mature faith. We are all in process. We grow through practicing spiritual disciplines and inviting others into the faith..

  • Serving: Our faith isn’t just about us. We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves, so we serve one another and the community - as the church.

These practices are central to our lives as Christ followers.

As we begin this year's Advent sermon series, The Wonder of it All, by reflecting on the journey that Mary experienced in Luke 1:26–38. Her story reminds us that we can find wonder this season as we lean into our anticipation of what God is doing in and through our lives.

Thank you for being a part of our family today. My prayer is that our time together will draw us all closer to Jesus and inspire us to reflect deeply on His presence in our lives. If you have any questions or wish to discuss your faith, please feel free to reach out. You can contact me directly at 410-639-2144 or email me at the link below.

All for Him!

Pastor Gary  

Order of Worship


Advent Reading and Opening Prayer

Opening Worship

Prayers of the People


The Wonder in Anticipation

Luke 1:26–38, 46-56; Proverbs 3:5–6; 

Rev Gary Priddy

Next Steps

What you can do for a “next step” of faith.


Life is much more than an accident.  Wherever I go, I believe God needs me there.  Wherever I am, I trust God has put me there.  He has a purpose for me being there - Christ, alive in me, wants to do something through me, no matter where I am.  I believe this and go in His grace and His love and His power. 

If you would like someone to pray with you, please come and meet one of our ministry leaders at the end of the service.

Songs for Worship

Wesley Chapel

188 The First Noel

192 O Little Town Of Bethlehem

29 Wonderful Merciful Savior

Rock Hall Church

The First Noel

He Has Come For Us (God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)

Jesus We Love You 

Oh Lord You're Beautiful

Message Notes

The Wonder in Anticipation

Luke 1:26–38, 46-56; Proverbs 3:5–6; Isaiah 52:7; Luke 2:13–14; John 14:27

God’s Word often brings confusion and stress.

God is committed to working miracles to accomplish his plan.

God desires our active trust.

Bottom Line: 

The wonder of faith is revealed in the journey.

Consider this:

  • On this first Sunday of Advent, what are you hopeful for? Truly?

  • In what ways is God’s world or his story inspiring wonder in your life?

  • How does Joseph’s invitation to trust God inspire you?

  • How can you be an over-flower of wonder and hope?

Reading Plan:

Perhaps it’s time to recapture the wonder found in the Christmas story. What I am learning is this: it’s not just a wonderful story, it’s a wonder-FILLED story. In this Advent daily devotional, we’ll dig into the Christmas story found in Matthew and Luke’s gospel and look at those in the nativity story. Where did this story meet them, and where does it meet us, today? Let’s recapture some wonder this holiday season.



This Week's Announcements:


Prayer Request Policy Change In order to maintain a more current prayer list, we provide a copy of this past week’s prayer requests. Submit prayer requests using the prayer request cards in the pews or the digital prayer request form on our website: Please make sure you have permission to share other’s information.

Current Prayer Requests

  • Our children and youth ministries

  • Caregivers and first responders

  • Our nation’s leaders

  • Healing of our nation

  • People battling addictions

  • Single parents and their kids

  • Pastor Gary and family

  • Pastor Kenny Hickman

  • Rosalie and Eddie Kuechler

  • Dickie & Bettie Porter

  • Frank & Mariann Dulin

  • Elmer & Marsha Gustafson

  • Grant Stoops

  • Hubbard Kendall

  • Joan Melvin

  • Joanne Carson

  • Jack Johnson

  • Rick Reedy

  • Jean Spence

  • Diane McIntyre

  • Joe Holliday

  • Pam Glenn  

  • Dean Wood

  • Eric Legg

  • Marion Gagnon

  • Wayne & Breanna Baker

  • Stacey Angel

  • Audra Ashley

  • Nicole Pressley

  • John and Jennifer Ellick & Family

  • Lynn Standridge

Active Military & their families including:

  • Trevion Hopkins

  • Kyle Schauber

  • Brock Willey

  • Makenzie Williams

  • Steve McCarthy

  • Dakota Collison

  • Geoffrey Andersen

  • Jonathan Conner

  • Dante Spagnolo

This week's prayer focus:

Join us in focused and specific prayer for our church, our community, and our world. Be prepared to see God do great things as we collectively turn to Him in prayer.

  • Sunday - Our Mission: God, grant boldness and opportunities for us to share the Gospel with others. Ephesians 6:19

  • Monday - Our Church: God, help us be financially responsible and good stewards of the blessings You’ve provided. Malachi 3:10

  • Tuesday - Our Leadership: God, allow nothing to hinder our ministers and volunteers from Your calling on their lives. Nehemiah 6:3

  • Wednesday - Families: God, help us recognize the importance of first making disciples of Christ in our homes. Proverbs 22:6

  • Thursday - Our Community: God, we ask for your healing of the broken structures and systems in our community. 2 Chronicles 7:14

  • Friday - Children/Youth: God, help our young people humbly submit to and honor those in authority over them. Ephesians 6:1-3

  • Saturday - Adults: God, cause our adults to humble themselves and seek Your face. 2 Chronicles 7:14

This week’s events:


 9:30 am - Worship Celebration @WCMC

11:00 am - Worship Celebration @RHMC


6:30 pm - Women’s Bible Study @Robbins

7:00 pm - Men’s Bible Study @Charge Office


 7:00 pm - Bible Study @RHMC Hall


1-3 pm - Ageless Wonders @RHMC Hall 

3:30 -6:30 pm - RSK @RHMC Hall

6:30 pm - Youth @RHMC Hall


7:00 pm - RHMC Praise Band Practice


9:00 am - Noon - WC Indoor Yard and Bake Sale


 9:30 am - Worship Celebration @WCMC

11:00 am - Worship Celebration @RHMC

WCMC - Wesley Chapel Methodist Church

RHMC - Rock Hall Methodist Church

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