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Writer's picturePastor Gary

August 14th Worship Program

If you are like me, faith often seems to be like a bucket with a hole near the bottom, on Sunday we are filled, only to have it leak out through the week. This weekend, as we gather, I pray your ‘faith bucket’ gets filled again… and you discover some ways to, if not plug the holes, at least to keep filling it throughout the week.

We long to see our entire community transformed by the same power of God that is transforming us. This is why we share and show God’s love by serving our neighbors and telling the story of His love transforming our lives.

If you have any questions about our church or want to discuss your faith journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. My email is and my office telephone is 410-639-2144.

Thank you again for joining us.

Pastor Gary

Order of Worship:


Prayer of Adoration & Confession

Songs for worship

Prayers of the People


Pastor Gary Priddy Luke #34: Love and Justice Luke 12:49-13:9

Next Steps

Practical ways you can take a “next step” in your faith journey.

Prayer of Thanksgiving


Life is much more than an accident. Wherever I go, I believe God needs me there. Wherever I am, I trust God has put me there. He has a purpose for me being there - Christ, alive in me, wants to do something through me, no matter where I am. I believe this and go in His grace and His love and His power. Amen.

If you would like someone to pray with you, please come and meet one of our ministry leaders at the altar at the end of the service.

Songs for Worship

Raum Chapel 140 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 600 Wonderful Words of Life 367 He Touched Me

Wesley Chapel 2162 Grace Alone 185 When Morning Gilds The Skies 591 Rescue The Perishing

Rock Hall Church

I will Follow

Reckless Love

Your Great Name

Message Notes:

Luke #34: Love and Justice

Luke 12:49–50 The mission of Jesus. Luke 12:51–53 This will cost you. Luke 12:54–56 The Truth is right here. Luke 12:57–59 The gift of common sense. Luke 13:1–5 Why is the wrong question. Luke 13:6–9 God has a plan.

What we believe determines how we behave.

Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23 John 3:3 John 14:6 Romans 10:9–11 2 Corinthians 5:15 Revelation 3:20


This week’s YouVersion Bible Devotional:

The tongue is one of the smallest parts of the body but it can do the most damage to others. As Christians, we must learn to control the tongue and watch our words. Let us help you. Join us in reading together using the YouVersion Bible App, HERE.


This Week's Announcements:

Meet with Pastor Gary Do you have a question or issue you need to discuss? Pastor Gary is available for pastoral counseling with individuals and couples To schedule, just Click “Meet with Pastor Gary” on our website

Would you like to host a GRILL NIGHT? If you’d like to host a gathering, call or email the charge office:

410-639-2144 Prayer Request Policy Change In order to maintain a more current prayer list, we provide a copy of this past week’s prayer requests. Submit prayer requests using the prayer request cards in the pews or the digital prayer request form on our website: Please make sure you have permission to share other’s information.

Current Prayer Requests

● Our children and youth ministries

● Caregivers and first responders

● People of Ukraine

● Our nation’s leaders

● Healing of our nation

● Israel and the Middle East

● People battling addictions

● Single parents and their kids

● Pastor Gary & Family

● Joe & Cheryl Holliday

● Joan Melvin

● Eddie & Rosalie Kuechler

● Karen Weller

● Debbie Elburn

● Mariann Dulin

● Carole Coleman

● Donnie Dierker

● Family of Nancy Spitz

● Michael Geibel

● Hubbard Kendall

● Rick Reedy

● Family of John Harman

Active Military & their families including:

  • Trevion Hopkins

  • Kyle Schauber

  • Brock Willey

  • Kelly Bertelsen

  • Steve McCarthy

  • Tristan Hague

  • Dakota Collison

  • Geoffrey Andersen

  • John Pettit

  • Makenzie Williams

  • Dante Spagnolo

  • Ben Coppage

  • Jonathan Conner


  • Phyllis Dierker

  • Edna Cox

  • Ann Leary

This week's prayer focus:

Join us in focused and specific prayer for our church, our community, and our world. Be prepared to see God do great things as we collectively turn to Him in prayer

  • Sunday - Our Mission: God, let Your church be a light in our community and world. Matthew 5:16

  • Monday - Our Church: God, bring unity to the Body of Christ. John 17:20-23

  • Tuesday - Our Leadership: God, help our worship leaders and musicians lead us before Your throne in a spirit of worship. Psalm 33:3

  • Wednesday - Families: God, help our families faithfully follow Your commands. John 14:15

  • Thursday - Our Community: God, soften the hearts of the lost in our community, show them your light. John 3:16-18

  • Friday - Children/Youth: God, change the world through our young people rather than letting the world change them. Romans 12:2

  • Saturday - Adults: God, enable our adults to live lives of faithfulness to You and perseverance to the end. Hebrews 12:1-3

This week’s events:


12:30 - Merger Team Meeting


1:00 - Rock Solid Kid's Planning Meeting

6:30 - Women's Small Group study @The Priddy's


7:00 - Small Group @Rock Hall Church fellowship hall


1:00 - Ageless Wonders

6:30 - Ministry Planning Meeting


7:00 - Praise Team Practice @RHUMC


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