Happy Easter!
We are so glad you chose to worship with us this Easter Sunday. Because today is one of the most important days in the life of the church and for followers of Jesus it is actually one of the most important days for the whole world.
I pray your faith is encouraged today as you discover the hope of the resurrection.
In case you weren’t aware, we are just one of three churches here in our community that make up the Rock Hall United Methodist Charge. We are three unique churches, but we operate as one ministry because we have one mission, to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of Rock Hall and the world.
We are pursuing a vision to see our entire community transformed by the power of God. We do this by sharing and showing God’s love as we serve our neighbors and tell others the story of how God transformed our lives.
If you have any questions about our church or want to discuss your faith journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. My email is gary@yourrockhall.church and my office telephone is 410-639-2144.
Thank you again for joining us.
Pastor Gary
Order of Worship
Welcome Songs for Worship Prayers of Adoration and Confession
Prayer’s of the People Message
Pastor Gary Priddy Luke #18: Easter Resurrection Luke 24:1-35
Next Steps
Practical ways you can take a “next step” in your faith journey.
Prayer of Thanksgiving Benediction
Life is much more than an accident. Wherever I go, I believe God needs me there. Wherever I am, I trust God has put me there. He has a purpose for me being there - Christ, alive in me, wants to do something through me, no matter where I am. I believe this and go in His grace and His love and His power. Amen.
If you would like someone to pray with you, please come and meet one of our ministry leaders at the altar at the end of the service.
Songs for Worship
Raum Chapel
304 Easter People Raise Your Voices
302 Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
310 He Lives
Wesley Chapel
2113 “Lamb Of God”
302 ”Christ The Lord Is Risen Today”
308 “Thine Be The Glory”
Choir Anthem “The Mercy Tree”
Rock Hall Church
Up From the Grave
Raise a Hallelujah
Death Was Arrested
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Message Notes
Luke #18: Resurrection Sunday
Luke 24:1-35
But very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2 They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. 3 So they went in, but they didn’t find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 As they stood there puzzled, two men suddenly appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes.
5 The women were terrified and bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men asked, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? 6 He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the third day.”
8 Then they remembered that he had said this. 9 So they rushed back from the tomb to tell his eleven disciples—and everyone else—what had happened. 10 It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and several other women who told the apostles what had happened. 11 But the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it. 12 However, Peter jumped up and ran to the tomb to look. Stooping, he peered in and saw the empty linen wrappings; then he went home again, wondering what had happened.
5 Ways the Resurrection Brings Hope for today:
GUILT and SHAME lose their power.
DEATH is defeated.
We get GOD’S POWER in us.
GOD NEVER stops loving us.
We will never BE ALONE.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Do you know a SINGLE PARENT or a SENIOR in our community who could use some help around the house with some minor repairs? Let us know, We’d love to help!
Let’s connect Are you new to us? We would love to connect with you. Just go to hello.yourrhc.com
Meet with Pastor Gary Do you have a question or issue you need to discuss? Pastor Gary is available for pastoral counseling with individuals and couples To schedule, just Click “Meet with Pastor Gary” on our website
Stay or Go What will ministry for our local churches look like in the coming years, as the dust settles from our discussions and decisions regarding denominational separation? Register from the event on our calendar.
Prayer Request Policy Change In order to maintain a more current prayer list, we provide a copy of this past week’s prayer requests. Submit prayer requests using the prayer request cards in the pews or the digital prayer request form on our website: pray.yourrhc.com Please make sure you have permission to share other’s information.
Current Prayer Requests
Our children and youth ministries
Caregivers and first responders
People of Ukraine
Our nation’s leaders
Healing of our nation
Israel and the Middle East
People battling addictions
Single parents and their kids
Pastor Gary & Family
Joe & Cheryl Holliday
Joan Melvin
Eddie & Rosalie Kuechler
Marsha Gustafson
Bobby Osborn,Sr
Family of Renie Lott
Bobby Baker
Mariann Dulin
Carole Coleman
Donnie Dierker
Alice Dulin
Bobby Osborn,Jr
Ann Leary
Johnny Mullikin
Hubbard Kendall
Michael Geibel
Pat Hastings
Karen Weller
Shirley Spagnolo’s family
Family of Martin Legg
Active Military & their families including:
Trevion Hopkins
Kyle Schauber
Brock Willey
Kelly Bertelsen
Steve McCarthy
Tristan Hague
Dakota Collison
Geoffrey Andersen
John Pettit
Makenzie Williams
Dante Spagnolo
Ben Coppage
Jonathan Conner
Phyllis Dierker
Edna Cox
Ethel Toulson
This week's prayer focus:
Join us as a church in focused and specific prayer for our church, our community, and our world. Be prepared to see God do great things as we collectively turn to Him in prayer.
Sunday - Our Mission: God, increase the desire of believers to fulfill the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19-20
Monday - Our Church: God, direct our vision for the Future. Proverbs 19:21
Tuesday - Our Leadership: God, help our ministers and volunteers persevere in Your work. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Wednesday - Families: God, help our families be committed to the Lord and His Work. Joshua 24:15
Thursday - Our Community: God, bring salvation to the lost. Luke 19:10
Friday - Children/Youth: God, help our young people set an example of godliness for others. 1 Timothy 4:12
Saturday - Adults: God, give our adults discernment to not be deceived by the world and Satan. 1 Peter 5:8
This week’s events:
6:00 - Women’s Small Group @Wesley Chapel
6:30 - Women’s small group @The Priddy’s
7:00 - Men’s small group @Teen Center
2:00 - Trustees @WCUMC
7:00 - Lynerd's Small Group @Rock Hall Church Hall
4:00 - Rock Solid Kids - After School @Teen Center
5:00 - Rock Solid Kids @Teen Center
6:00 - Family Dinner @RH Church fellowship hall
6:30 - Youth Group @Teen Center
6:30 - Chancel Choir Practice @WCUMC
7:00 - Praise Team Practice @RHUMC
9:00 - Stay or Go Zoom Presentation with Bishop