Welcome to the Gospel One Psalm At a Time, our small group study for the Winter and Spring. Throughout the week prior to your group's meeting, take some time to:
1) Prayerfully read and study the week's Psalms;
2) Watch the short videos that will be posted here on our website - they are also available on PDT's Youtube channel; and
3) Answer the questions in preparation for a conversation in your small group.
It's a simply ryhthm...
First Psalm: Pray - Read - Watch - Answer - Pray.
Second Psalm: Pray - Read - Watch - Answer - Pray.
Third Psalm: Pray - Read - Watch - Answer - Pray.
My prayer this is a great season of spiritual growth for you and our church as we invest in this together!
All for Jesus!
Psalm 32: The Blessing of Confession and Forgiveness
1. What are some sins you have minimized recently? When was the last time you defended your sin, and why? Why was your initial reaction of defend easier than confession?
2. How do you feel inside when you hear the word “confession”? What sort of images pop up in your mind when you think about the process of confession to God? If those pictures in your mind are negative, why do you think they are?
3. When you think about the grace of God, what positive images pop up in your mind? How do those pictures in your mind make you want to move closer to God? How have you previously experienced that confession is a prelude to entering into God’s grace?
4. Think about the relationships in your life where you struggle and have a tendency to blame the other person for the conflict in your relationship. Maybe things are extremely difficult (or have previously been difficult) with a spouse, child, friend, parent or neighbor. How have the negative patterns of behavior on your part contributed to the fracturing of those difficult relationships? Are you willing to admit right now that your greatest problem in life exists inside of you? How can your admission of personal sin be a gateway to reconciliation with the broken relationships in your life? Take a moment right now and confess to God that you need his rescuing, forgiving, transforming, and empowering grace. Then pray that God would restore your broken earthly relationships as you move toward other people he has called you to reconcile with.
Psalm 33: The Steadfast Love of the Lord
1. As you examine your life as it currently is, how do you see the steadfast love of the Lord? Take a moment to list the ways that you are currently blessed by him as you think about your marriage, your children, your finances, your relationships, your church, etc. Be specific in your list as you tangibly see the steadfast love of the Lord in your life.
2. Now, how does the evidence of God’s steadfast love for you prompt you to respond? Under your list of his blessings in your life, write out a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the multitude of blessings he has given you. Don’t be afraid to take time with this prayer and specifically respond with gratitude for the ways he has been good to you.
3. How does living in light of seeing the steadfast love of the Lord in your life make you want to change the way you view inconveniences, troubles, obstacles, and potential annoyances? How can seeing God’s love everywhere transform your typical heart responses to things that once tripped you up, frustrated you, or ignited anger within you?
4. How can seeing Jesus in this specific Psalm help you begin to see him in every other part of Scripture—even in parts that don’t specifically name him? Why is seeing Jesus in this Psalm so important? How does recognizing Christ in this Psalm (as the faithful, sovereign, counseling deliverer who watches over you, helps you, and shields you) bring comfort to your daily life, knowing that there will always be struggles in your work, your relationships, your marriage, your church, etc.?
Psalm 36: The Deceitfulness of Sin
1. Is it too easy for you to point out the sin in other people’s lives who are close to you (your spouse, kids, friends, other people in your church, etc.)? Have you been overcritical and lacking grace with others recently?
2.Why do you think it’s so difficult to see the sin in our own lives? Have you been surprised recently when someone pointed out sin (general or specific) in your life? If so, how did you respond when it happened?
3. How have you acted in a way that would demonstrate a heart of rebellion and no fear of God? What might be some of the areas of your heart that are currently blind? Where has sin lied and taken you to places God never meant for you to go? Take some time and pray that God would reveal to you the areas of your heart that are blind to him and his good direction for you. Now confess those areas to him and to someone else close to you, like your spouse, a good friend, or an accountability partner. Be sure to examine how your sin has deceived you into believing lies and how God wants what’s better for you.
4. Why is admitting your neediness to God a good thing? Why do you think it’s so hard at times for you to admit you are needy and incapable of doing the right thing in your own power? In the Christian life, where should neediness point you? Why do you think neediness feels like death when it really leads to life? How can you develop a posture of running to the shadow of God’s wing in your admission of neediness? would shape you each day into a person who is more and more in awe of him.