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6: The Gospel One Psalm at a Time

Writer's picture: Pastor GaryPastor Gary

Welcome to the Gospel One Psalm At a Time, our small group study for the Winter and Spring. Throughout the week prior to your group's meeting, take some time to:

1) Prayerfully read and study the week's Psalms;

2) Watch the short videos that will be posted here on our website - they are also available on PDT's Youtube channel; and

3) Answer the questions in preparation for a conversation in your small group.

It's a simply ryhthm...

First Psalm: Pray - Read - Watch - Answer - Pray.

Second Psalm: Pray - Read - Watch - Answer - Pray.

Third Psalm: Pray - Read - Watch - Answer - Pray.

My prayer this is a great season of spiritual growth for you and our church as we invest in this together!

All for Jesus!


Psalm 24: Responding To God The Creator

1. If survey data shows that so many people claim to believe in God, why aren’t the majority of those people showing up on Sunday mornings at churches? What are they doing with their time instead? What does that show they truly believe? What do you do on Sunday mornings? What does that show you believe?

2. In what areas of your life is it easier to believe that God owns everything? What evidence have you given recently - thoughts, words, or actions - that proves you truly believe Psalm 24:1-2? In what areas of your life is it more difficult for you to believe that God owns every part of you? Why?

3. In what areas of your life have you failed to ask the question, “What is God’s purpose for this?” How can you be more practically intentional about putting that question on the forefront of your mind as you walk through your days, weeks, months, and years? What might it look like to be a steward of God’s world this week? Be specific.

Psalm 27: How To Do Theology

1. Consider a time when life didn’t make sense. Maybe it doesn’t make sense today! Is, or was, When life doesn’t make sense, is your first response to complain or to remind yourself of what is true?

2. Why is it so important to understand that theology isn’t necessarily some formal recitation of abstract truth? Why is theology personal and not impersonal?

3. How is theology defining your understanding of God? How is theology redefining who you are as a child of God? How is theology changing you in your marriage? In your parenting? In your ministry? In your job? In your friendships? In your thought patterns? In your words? In your actions?

4. Why is your identity not primarily about you but about God? How does your view of God affect your view of yourself and your life’s circumstances? Why is a proper view of God more important than all the problems in your life? How can the beauty of God change the way you think about and respond to your ugly circumstances?

Psalm 29: The Battle for Awe

1. What are some things in your life that bring you to a state of awe? Be specific as you consider those things through the five senses - taste, touch, sight, smell, and sounds - God has given you. Examine how you live your life and take inventory of the areas that motivate, excite, and inspire you. What captures the awe of your heart?

2. Why do you think it can be difficult for you to be in awe of and give glory to God when God is the One who deserves all of the awe and glory? Where are some specific areas in your life where you struggle try not rob God of the glory he alone deserves? Again, be specific and honest with God.

3. Now, take a moment and pray that your heart, thoughts, words, and actions would be a living reflection of someone who is captured by the glory of God. Pray that God would shape you each day into a person who is more and more in awe of him.

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