The Christian life is not a passive activity.
It is intentional but it's organic.
The more we know Jesus, the more we want to follow Him. The more we follow Him, the more we love Him. The more we love Him, the more we want to serve Him. The more we serve Him, the more our lives are transformed.
We were created to be in relationships, with Jesus and one other, so just as we grow in relationship with Jesus as we spend time reading the Bible, praying, worshiping, studying, and serving. We grow into the Church as we spend time in community (a small group) doing these same things.

Person Study

Walking with God
This small group video series gives you access to practical guidance on how to develop conversational intimacy with Jesus. This leads us to a life of getting to know God, of hearing His wonderful voice speaking to us personally, of loving Him and living with Him in intimate relationship.

Beautiful Outlaw
This video series clears away the religious fog that can cloud our perceptions of Jesus with bland, one-dimensional stereotypes. By uncovering the real Jesus, you are welcomed into the rich emotional life of Christ. Come and experience the real Jesus, a Perfect Love who defies conventional belief. A Beautiful Outlaw.